It’s such a blessing to look back at all the hard work of the volunteers. The 2016 Guadalupe Buddhist Church, Obon Festival is put together 100% by voluteers. We Thank each and every one of them for all the dedication and hard work. Waking up early, coming days in advance to prepare food and helping on the day of the event. So, many little things go on the week leading up the festival. But, our main goal is to bring the Santa Maria Community together. We did a quick search on instagram today, just to be curious. Look what we found, exactally what we had intended. Families enjoying the food, crafts and entertainment of the 2016 Guadalupe Buddhist Church Obon Fesitval.
Special Thanks to all the instagramers below. be sure to follow them and like thier posts. We hope even more of you will join us next year.