OBON – Another successful Obon Festival under our belts thanks to so many helpful hands. Namu Amida Butsu.
Other Obon Donations
Four boxes of fortune cookies John and Leslie Hayashi
Five dinner gift certificates/mandarin drinks Atari-ya Restaurant
100 rolls of sushi 100 rolls of norimaki Hamasato Restaurant
Strawberries Henry/Chiyo Okui
Graphic design services (posters) Reflections A Digital Lab (Santa Barbara)
Jacket, shirt, keychain, hat Home Motors
Toy tractor Cal Coast Machinery
Two hats, visor, two shirts, journal, water bottle, Toyota Cup, car care kit
$100.00 Santa Maria Seed
Electric toy car with remote control BMW of Santa Maria
Car care package, beverage set, Honda T-shirt, trash can, first aid kit
Ratchet Tie Down set Brian’s Auto Body
gift certificate for two dinners Guadalupe Restaurant
4 – $25.00 Target gift cards Deane/June Nakata (Moorpark)
Two 15 lbs bags of rice Masatani’s Market
Cooler ($179.00 value) Guadalupe Hardware Company
Beginner’s bonsai tree kit Muranaka Nursery (Nipomo)
Two gift cards ($50.00 each) Niya Restaurant (Orcutt)
10 cases of soda and water Coco Cola Bottling
6 cases of water Trader Joe’s
Two gift cards ($25.00 each) Costco
One gift card ($25.00) Albertson’s
One Hour Massage Virginia Hall
10 cases of water Jordano’s (Santa Barbara)
Fan for the workers Dave Schneider
Table decorations Doug and LaRay Tomooka
Black sesame seeds and poster markers Leah and Taryn Kawahara
Obon posters and postcards, cake mixes, chashu meat Esther Trejo
Food Donations for Friday and Saturday – A big thank you to those of you who brought snacks and dishes.