July 2023
Sunday July 2nd Service @ 10AM followed by Buddhism Class then followed by Board Meeting
Sunday, July 16 Sunday Memorial Service @ 10:00 AM. Otoki following Service
Basic Buddhism classes on the 1st Sunday immediately following the Service.
Hello GBC Sangha~
Preparations are underway for our annual Obon Festival and, again, things have changed. Last year,
we had to make adjustments due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This year, we are bringing the festival back to pre-pandemic levels but due to renovations set to occur at the Veteran’s Memorial Cultural Center, Obon will be held at the Minami Community Center, located at 600 West Enos Drive in Santa Maria.
In addition to Obon being moved, we are also moving our bon odori dance practices to the Minami
Center, with some extra practice sessions at the church. Please join us at the Minami Center for 4
practices on Mondays: July 3, 10, 17, 24, from 6:30 to 8:00pm. Additionally, we’ll have 2 Saturday practices
held at GBC: July 15 & 22, from 1 to 3pm.
Remember, Obon is our main fundraiser for the church and we need your help to make this event a
success! BBQ chicken dinner tickets and raffle tickets will be distributed this month so if you do not receive any tickets or would like more, please contact Esther or Alice Maxon. We also ask that you please consider adding a “chicken donation” to the church, to help offset costs.
We are rolling with the changes and thinking of ways to make our Obon as joyful and memory-making
as possible. Bring your friends and family, and let us know that you will be there to join in the fun! See you at Obon!
In gassho~
SU 7-30 OBON, Minami Community Center, 7:00 AM. Festivities begin at Noon.
Obon Dance Practices:
MO 7-10 Obon Dance Practice, Minami Community Center, 6:30 to 8:00 PM
SA 7-15 Obon Dance Practice, Guadalupe Buddhist Church, 1:00 to 3:00 PM
MO 7-17 Obon Dance Practice, Minami Community Center, 6:30 to 8:00 PM
SA 7-22 Obon Dance Practice, Guadalupe Buddhist Church, 1:00 to 3:00 PM
MO 7-24 Obon Dance Practice, Minami Community Center, 6:30 to 8:00 PM
Obon Prep:
FR 7-28 Obon Food Prep, Guadalupe BC, 8:00 AM
SA 7-29 Obon Food Prep, Guadalupe BC, 8:00 AM
MO 7-31 Post Obon Cleanup, 9:00 AM
Tai Chi 5:00 / Ninjitsu 5:30
July 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27
Dungeons & Dragons
July 8th 2pm-6
Michiko Aoki, Frank Toshiyuki Fukumoto, Chiyoko Henmi, James Isaac (baby) Hoyos, Iwakichi Iriyama, Sadao Iwayama, Chiye Kamo, Meri Kamo, Toshiko Kawa, Chester Kazuaki Konishi, Shoji Kuno, Hachijiro Maenaga, Hanzo Matsumoto, Grace Minami, Stanley Minami, Jehei Miyake, Frances Mizuki, Carolyn Oishi, Ura Sahara, Shigeko Shiroma, Kiyoshi Takeda, Toyokichi Tomooka, Masako Tsuruda, Kan Utsunomiya, Takaichi Yokoyama
*Hugh Maenaga, Cemetery Visitation
*Keiko Border, Special
*Anonymous, Special
*Anonymous, Special
*Joan Henretta, Sunday Service
*Hugh Maenaga, Sunday Service
*Tomiko Miyamoto, Sunday Service
*Sumi Schumacher, Sunday Service
*Alice Utsunomiya, Sunday Service
*Anonymous, Special
*Joyce Demdo, Special
*Holly Hope, In Memory of Husband, Dane Christian White Sun
*Hugh Maenaga, Special
*Dena Massoudi, Special
*Alice Maxon, Shotsuki
*Wataru Minami Shotsuki
*Tomiko Miyamoto, Shotsuki
*Sumi Schumacher, Special
*Esther Trejo, In Memory of Emiko Azama Trejo and Nobuko Azama
*Alice Utsunomiya, Special
*Jim/Yoko Furuya, In Memory of Toshiharu Nishino
*Ray/Jo Ann Nishino Spencer, In Memory of Grandfather, Ichimatsu Nishino
*Ray/Jo Ann Nishino Spencer, In Memory of Father, Toshiharu Nishino
*Ryan Spencer, In Memory of Grandfather, Toshiharu Nishino
*Dixie Tomooka, In Memory of Toyohuma Tomooka
*Lorene Yoshihara, In Memory of George Yoshihara
Names for Hatsubon (July 2022 – July 2023)
Tetsuo Furukawa
Kimiko “Kim” Masatani
Akiko OYE
Yoshiko Shiroma
Dean Taniguchi
We are seeking suggestions for August Social
Events such as Movie Night or Game Nights.
Please Email GBCoffice48@gmail.com with
any suggestions you would like to see happen.
If you are due a receipt from donations or membership please stop by the office, if unavailable to pick up the receipts, please call the office so we can arrange to get it delivered.
Guadalupe Church helped support the Minister’s
retreat with SLO Buddhist Church. Guadalupe
Church provided Santa Maria Style Barbeque
Tri-Tip. It was a very nice time talking with the
Ministers in a casual informal environment.
Our fire pit also got a work out at Otoki which was
on Father’s Day. Guadalupe Church provided
barbeque hamburgers and hot dogs.
The major event happening in June was the
replacement of the roof on the Main Hall, Office and
Boy Scouts room. Age and the spring storms took
their toll and opened up several leaks which made
addressing the roof a priority. Following are photos
from removing the old roof and installing the
Rev. Nakano’s Message
“My eyes being hindered by blind passions,
I cannot perceive the light that grasps me;
Yet the great compassion, without tiring,
Illumines me always.”
~Shinran Shonin ( Koso Wasan 95)
Oh yes, it is that season again. Many temples/churches are observing Hatsubon and Obon. These
specific dates are very important to us. We observe Hatsubon for those who have passed from this
earthly realm from the previous July to the present July. It is a time of remembrance of their
hard-work, sacrifices and yes, of their commitment in raising the family, to the community and to the
temple/church. When we lose these people we are awakened to the principle of our impermanence. It
is a time of sharing our thanks to our departed loved ones for their devotion and commitment to those
whom they cherished and loved. We share our Namu Amida Butsu in honoring those who have
passed during the year.
Our history stems from the many first generation Japanese (those who came from Japan, issei )
who worked in the mines or on the railways. They were farmers and some even took up the trade of
being fishermen. It was a tough time and back breaking work. Yet, these jobs put food on the table, a
roof over the family’s head and clothes on their backs. However, we forget that the first issei women
were “picture brides”. They came on steamer boats to cross the ocean on promises made by their
future husbands. They not only suffered on the boat, but when they arrived. They lived a rough life,
living in a strange land and married to an image from a photo. These issei have made us who we are
and directed our life in Nembutsu. They saw a future for Jodo Shinshu without thought of gender, age,
diversity or wealth. It is our Namu Amida Butsu with true heart and mind.
Our Obon is our way of sharing thankfulness, gratitude and appreciation to these pioneers who
may have been an ancestor. We enjoy the festivities of Obon and the dances and we have so much
fun. We tend to forget the issei’s ingenuity, stamina and determination, so that we can continue with
this special observance. We share Namu Amida Butsu with true thankfulness, gratitude and
appreciation for their wisdom and compassion and forethought for the generations to come.
After a day of hard work, Obon dance is a refreshing break. However we cannot forget our history
and the working of Nembutsu. Our dances portray the various works these issei did, to provide. Some
dances are remembrances of Japan, lost loves and how we take so much for granted. We dance by
putting the self “into the shoes” of our ancestors. While we dance we forget how good we look or
dance, and we dance in showing our true self. We dance to release the true self from this outer shell
people see. We let go of the ego and dance with thoughts of our departed loved ones and show how
truly foolish we all are. We are foolish no matter if we dance or watch, so might as well dance among
other foolish beings.
So dust off the ol’ dancing shoes, forget about the mistakes we will make while dancing and
present the true self, “just as we are”. It is time to “let our hair down”, show our gratitude to our
ancestors and truly be our foolish self. I will be dancing.
Gassho Rev. Seijo Naomi Nakano