June 2024 Newsletter💐 June 2 Sunday 10:00 Sunday Service 11:00 Obon MeetingJune 9 Sunday 9:30 to 11:30 Social SundayJune 16 Sunday 10:00 Shotsuki 11:00 Otoki 12:00 Board MeetingJune 23 Sunday 9:30 to 11:30 Social SundayJune 26 Wed 6:00 to 8:00 1st Obon Dance Practice More Information BelowJune 29 Saturday 1:00 to 5:00 Dungeons and DragonsJune […]

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The younger generations and “newbies” have either forgotten or have neverbeen taught the rituals and traditions of Jodo Shinshu. Yes, Jodo Shinshu hasmany forms of respect for the Buddha and temple. We have taken for granted therespect, gratitude and appreciation of the teachings but most importantly, wehave lost our sense of honor. This may sound […]

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May 2024 Newsletter💐 CalendarMay 5 Sunday 10:00 Sunday Service 11:00 Board MeetingMay 14 Sunday 9:30 to 11:30 Social SundayMay 19 Sunday TBA Gotan-e Shinran Birthday Zoom Meeting from San JoseMay 21 Tuesday Birthday of Shinran ShoninMay 25 Saturday 1:00 Dungeons and Dragons The Adventures continue… May 26 Sunday 9:30 to 11:30 Social SundayMay 26 Sunday […]

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All the good acts and myriad practices,Because they are performed with a sincereMind and aspiration, become, without exception,Provisional good that will lead to birth in The Pure Land. ~Shinran Shonin, Jodo Wasan, verse 63 There is a behavioral scientist from Stanford University, who conductedresearch on the impact of compliments on receivers and ourselves. One day,the […]

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“The delicate sounds praises the Buddha’s virtues with Gathas.It is the call of the Dharma… the Immeasurable Joy” ~Daimuryojukyo (Larger Sutra)The younger generations and “newbies” have either forgotten or have neverbeen taught the rituals and traditions of Jodo Shinshu. Yes, Jodo Shinshu hasmany forms of respect for the Buddha and temple. We have taken for […]

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