Category Archives: Minister’s Message

Reverend’s Message “…May I, along with the entire Sangha,with sincere heart and mind, rely on thatwhich can be truly relied on in life –The Three Treasures.I rely on the Buddha…I rely on the DharmaI rely on the Sangha…”~Excerpts of Three Treasures You have to come or drive by the church. The church looks differentand it […]

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Reverend’s Message My eyes being hindered by blind passions,I cannot perceive the light that grasps me’Yet the great compassion, without tiring, Illumines me always.~Shinran Shonin’s Jodo Wasan, Verse 95 Gary Larson is a cartoonist and some of his drawings need noexplanation or comment. I was sent such a humorous, but poignantcartoon. The scene shows a […]

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All the good acts and myriad practices,Because they are performed with a sincereMind and aspiration, become, without exception,Provisional good that will lead to birth in The Pure Land. ~Shinran Shonin, Jodo Wasan, verse 63 There is a behavioral scientist from Stanford University, who conductedresearch on the impact of compliments on receivers and ourselves. One day,the […]

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“The delicate sounds praises the Buddha’s virtues with Gathas.It is the call of the Dharma… the Immeasurable Joy” ~Daimuryojukyo (Larger Sutra)The younger generations and “newbies” have either forgotten or have neverbeen taught the rituals and traditions of Jodo Shinshu. Yes, Jodo Shinshu hasmany forms of respect for the Buddha and temple. We have taken for […]

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Reverently entrusting myself to the teaching, practiceAnd realization that are the true essence of the Pure Land way, I am especially aware of the profundity of theTathagata’s benevolence. Here I rejoice in what I have Heard and extol what I have received. ~ Words of Shinran Shonin, founder of Jodo Shinshu Throughout our lives we […]

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